Thursday, January 21, 2010


I don’t know if any of you ever have this problem, but I just don’t like to ask questions that start with words such as “Can you help me…” or “I don’t know how to…” “Is there anyway to…” These are not the most used words in my vocabulary and I sometimes find it difficult to exercise the use of these phrases. God has a sense of humor though since I have had to learn to use these words daily in Mexico. It has become a part of my every day language, or so it seems. I have to ask someone to help me AT LEAST a few times a day. Today was definitely one requiring “the special words.” Many of you know that I strongly dislike doing laundry, meaning that I usually wait until I HAVE to do my laundry. Well, it all started with Sonya giving me directions how to do it in Spanish. Then, I had to put the hose in the machine to get the water into it…then the water stopped. Nothing…no water…still nothing. Something was wrong. Obviously I had too many clothes (considering the washer can only do about 5 pieces of clothing at a time!!!) so we had to get all of my dripping wet clothes out and put them in a little trashcan. We then lugged the trashcan (please use your imagination) down the street to the laundry mat, where we dripped water all over their nice clean floor. Of course, all the people in the laundry mat were men who stood there watching me empty my dripping laundry from the trashcan into the washer. We then took my still wet clothes home and hung them all over the patio…everywhere. All that to say, it was an adventure! I learned several new words: jabon-soap; secar-to dry; lavareria-laundry mat; and tintoreria- a place for dry cleaning. Anyway, it was quite an experience, but the upside: I now have clean clothes…

January 20, 2010

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