Friday, March 5, 2010

Written in words inexpressible...

I don’t know if any of you have ever had a hard time expressing yourselves, but I have recently found a new cd that expresses all my thoughts and feelings perfectly right now. The songs recorded seem like they came straight from my heart, even thought I know someone else wrote them. “Who is it?” you wonder…Fracesca Battistelli, singing songs like “Letting go and Keep me guessing” reminding me that though I have no idea what’s going to happen in the future, it’s ok because God is control. “Lead me to the cross” reminding me that whatever happens, stay focused on the cross, that is the true focus. “My paper heart” is in the Lord’s hands even though it feels like I’ve been waiting for so long and “Someday,” I’ll be free to give my heart away, when God’s timing is right, but until then and forever, HE is my “forever love” and I’ll always sing and live for Him. It’s His love and grace that have made my life “Beautiful, beautiful.” So yes, if you want a little deeper insight to my life, take a listen.

It’s Friday! Week 3 of full time teaching OVER…don’t get me wrong, I’m lovin teaching, but definitely ready for a little break. I’m reminded of what my best friend just said today, “And you want to do this the REST OF YOUR LIFE?” Why yes, I do…this just isn’t how I pictured it. Life isn’t exactly going how I had it planned, if you haven’t noticed. I think God enjoys the twists and turns in life. He is unpredictable. Therefore, so is life. I’ve loved teaching here, I love my class, my family/families, my teacher, my professors…I’m just ready for a “job well done, my good and faithful servant.” Not saying I want to die, I just cant wait to hear the Lord say those words. I feel weary right now and my brain is going to explode. I’m hoping that when I get to heaven God will look at me and say, “Good job, my precious daughter. You accomplished what I wanted you to with what I gave you.” I sincerely hope I don’t hear, “Good job daughter, but you could have definitely done better in this area and this…and this…and this…” I want to do everything to the best of my ability and for His glory so that I can please Him and “make Him proud.”
March 5, 2010

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